Saturday, September 27, 2008

e only reason i can enter this is cos promos jus ended n im not keen to go back to studying jus as yet. i suppose i should summarise wad has happened so far since the last post.
got into bannister hours committee as Admin i/c. Dont get y i keep being put in admin wen i specified that i dont want to. went to zhejiang n helped dem conduct an orientation camp. had chinese oral. registered for NS. cycled toand fro sch.3 stitches jus below e eyebrow frm rugby. badly grazed my knee and elbow cos i skidded and fell trying to avoid a woman who completely ignored e bicycile bell and din even turn wen she walked past me with blood running down my right side. promos. spent e remainder of the last day of promos at jieheng's house playing mahjong and in between.

1 comment:

Kit aka Munkeng said...


How are you feeling? As in, are your wounds from the bike fall recovering well? It sounded really painful. Am asking this not so much outta sympathy to make you sound like a sad case, but just like to hear how you are since the last hp msg text. Haven't really talked much this year.